Ayurvedic Treatments
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SHIRODHARA: Ayurveda Treatment
Foot Massage
Head Massage
Herbal Medicines
Kalari Marma Massage
Ayurvedic Bolus Massage
Baby Massage
Ayurvedic Face Treatment
Kizhi - Bolus Massage
Dhara: Ayurvedic Treatment
Applying Herbal Creams
Packaging of Medicines
Preparing Medicines
Ayurvedic Medicines for Treatment
Ayurvedic Treatment Procedures
Dhara: Another Treatment Procedure
Baby Massage

Ayurvedic Treatments

All kinds of Ayurvedic Treatments and Panchakarma Therapies can be availed at out hospital. Bodyworks, Beauty Therapies and treatment for specific illnesses like Arthritis, Paralysis, Strokes etc are also available.


ABHYANGA is one of the most popular therapies for the preservation of health described in Ayurveda. It is the process by which the body of an individual is anointed with oil. According to Ayurveda all people who are healthy (Swastha) and those who wish to have good health and long life span should have Abhyanga regularly. Normally Abhyanga is performed in 7 body postures for duration of 30 to 45 minutes.


  • Regular practice of Abhyanga endows the following benefits.
  • It enhances the age and reduces wrinkles.
  • It relieves tiredness and weakness.
  • It relieves the Vata in the body.
  • It improves the eyesight.
  • It tones up the Body Tissues and strengthens the body.
  • It induces sound sleep.
  • It imparts a glossy and soft appearance of the skin.
  • It altogether improves the general health of the individual.
  • It improves the circulation.

ELAKIZHI (Bolus Bag Massage with Medicinal Leaves)

The bolos bag massage with medicinal leaves is called Elakizhi. This is one of the classical traditional massages of Ayurveda. Here the patient will be anointed with suitable oil and will be massaged with the help of the bolus bag on the affected part of the body or the whole body. Various medicinal leaves like Tamarind, Calotropis gigantia, Ricinus communis, Drum stick, Vietx negundo, Adatoda vascica, Datura stramonium, etc are used.


  • Improves the strength of the muscles
  • Relieves body pain, numbness and shivering
  • Improves skin complexion Rejuvenates the body
  • Cures diseases like arthritis, paralysis, convulsion, and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Relieves pain in diseases like Slip Disc (IVDP), Sciatica. etc


Traditional Kalari marma massage, which is also known, as Hand Massage is one of the most popular Ayurvedic massage nowadays. Marma massage is mainly practiced in Kalari's where people are practicing martial arts. This Kerala specialty massage consists of 54 different strokes, which should be performed in sequence. This massage protects the body from any injury to the vital points in the body known as Marmas and also improves the health of muscles and joints. Due to this reason it is also used as a sports massage now a days. This type of massage can be done regularly for healthy people as well as the diseased.


  • Marma massage, given preferably the day before any form of strenuous or prolonged exercise, will condition the body and help to prepare it for the coming exertion.
  • After muscular activity marma massage helps to drain away metabolic waste, relaxes tired muscles and brings them fresh blood.
  • Greatly enhances the quality of life and combats many of the most common problems of aging
  • Protects and revitalizes the MARMAS, vital energy points in the body, thus energizing the body
  • Excellent full bodies massage to feel relaxed, strong, healthy and young.
  • Resistance against disease increases with massage as it stimulates the production of antibodies and strengthens hormones, fluids and lymph, blood, flesh, bones, teeth, nails, bone marrow and semen or ovum.

KADEEVASTI (Medicated oil treatment for Lower back)

This is a special treatment in which warm medicated oil is kept over the lower end of the vertebral region for a certain time. This treatment is very effective in treating low back pain, sciatica, slipped disc, neurological diseases of lower limb, etc. The patient is made to lie down on the stomach. The affected vertebral region is found out and the dough (Made of wheat flour) is kept in a circular manner so that oil can be retained in it. The dough ring is well pasted to the body to prevent any leakage. The oil, which is made lukewarm, is poured into this dough ring in one strain. The temperature of the oil is maintained by replacing the cold oil with warm oil regularly.


  • Relieves pain in sciatica and Inter Vertebral Disc Prolepses (I V D P).
  • Relieves low back pain.
  • Stimulates and nourishes nerves relieving pain and numbness.

NAVARAKIZHI (Bolus Bag Massage with Medicated Rice)

This is one of the most popular therapies used for the purpose of body rejuvenation. Here a special type of rice called "Navara" is used for massaging which is cooked with a mixture of "Sida cordifolia" decoction and cows milk. The Bolus bag containing medicated rice is dipped in the mixture containing decoction and cow's milk and made warm. It is then gently massaged on the body till all the medicated rice is applied on the body. After massage, if the rice is not over, bolus bag is opened and rice is applied over the body. This massage can also be done for the whole body as well as locally.


  • Improves blood supply by cleansing the channels of circulation
  • Removes metabolic waste
  • Promotes digestion
  • Restores vigor
  • Gives softness to the body by improving the health of the skin
  • Endows sound sleep
  • Makes the body strong and sturdy with well developed musculatures
  • Nourishes the body and increases immunity
  • Promotes sharpness of vision and functions of other sense organs
  • Effective in curing diseases of the nervous system and others such as chronic rheumatism, osteoarthritis, gout, emaciation of muscles, numbness and diseases caused by vitiation of blood.
  • Slows down aging, premature graying of hair, baldness, appearance of wrinkles over the body and other ailments caused by aging.


Face massage is usually performed before Nasya treatment or after the Kalari Marma massage or Ayurvedic feet massage.


  • Prevents sagging of the skin
  • Removes facial toxins and retains overall youth and vitality of the facial tissues
  • Improves the eyesight and functioning of the sense organss
  • Energizes the nervous system
  • Keeps the face clean, healthy and glowing
  • Nourishes and improves skin complexion

SHIRODHARA (Medicated oil treatment for Head)

Pouring of medicated oil, milk or medicated buttermilk on the forehead continuously for a specific period is called Shirodhara. When the Shirodhara is done with medicated oil, it is called Thaila Dhara. When done with milk it is called Ksheera Dhara and when done with medicated buttermilk it is called Takra Dhara Generally two attenders are needed for this therapy. One of them should hold the vessel containing the liquid and move it in a to and fro movement continuously so that the drip of medicine falls exactly on the forehead and the other one collects the oil from the vessel kept below the massage table and puts it again in the pot from where the oil comes in drips.


  • Ultimate mental and emotional relaxation therapy
  • Beneficial for many diseases connected with the head, neck, eyes, ears, nose and throat
  • Beneficial for many diseases of the nervous system like nerve disorders, facial palsy, paralysis and ptosis (drooping) of the eyelids.
  • Beneficial for curing long standing insomnia and psyzophrenia
  • Beneficial for fits in epilepsy when used in conjunction with other medicines.
  • Prevents hair lose, premature graying and cracking of hair
  • Relieves headache and burning sensation of the head.
  • Nourishes and rejuvenates the body.
  • Stimulates the nervous system giving sturdiness to the body
  • Improves digestion
  • Sharpens the sense organs
  • Improves the quality of voice
  • Gives strength to the neck and head
  • Improves the health of the skin.
  • Cools the body and relieves pain.
  • Increases memory.
  • Nourishes semen and blood giving more strength and love in conjugal union.
  • Increase lifespan.


Usually Ayurvedic Head Massage is performed after Kalari Marma Massage or Feet Massage.


  • Relaxes the head
  • Helps to spread natural oils produced by the scalp thus protecting and conditioning the length of the hair
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Nourish the hair from the roots
  • Drains any accumulated toxins
  • Promotes thick and shiny hair

CHAVITTI THIRUMMAL (Massage with Foot)

This type of massage is also similar to the Marma Massage and is widely practiced in Kalari. Here instead of the hands whole massage is performed with feet. It takes some time to master this kind of Massage and is very good for improving body flexibility, health maintenance and body rejuvenation. It also protects and revitalizes the MARMAS, vital energy points in the body, thus energizing the body.


  • Marma massage, given preferably the day before any form of strenuous or prolonged exercise, will condition the body and help to prepare it for the coming exertion
  • After muscular activity marma massage helps to drain away metabolic waste, relaxes tired muscles and brings them fresh blood.
  • Greatly enhances the quality of life and combats many of the most common problems of aging
  • Protects and revitalizes the MARMAS, vital energy points in the body, thus energizing the body
  • Excellent full bodies massage to feel relaxed, strong, healthy and young.
  • Resistance against disease increases with massage as it stimulates the production of antibodies and strengthens hormones, fluids and lymph, blood, flesh, bones, teeth, nails, bone marrow and semen or ovum.

GREE VAVASTI (Medicated oil treatment for neck)

Keeping medicated oil over the cervical region for a certain time is called Greeva Vasti. The patient is made to lie down on his stomach and the dough ring is placed on the painful cervical region. Oil is then warmed and poured inside. The remaining procedures are the same as that of the kadeevasti.


  • Loosens stiff joints
  • Helps to cure cervical spondylosis, neck pain, paralysis and numbness of the hand.
  • Stimulates and nourishes nerves relieving pain and numbness


This is a special treatment in which warm medicated oil is retained over the knee joint. This treatment is very effective in treating different conditions of the knee joints like arthritis, degenerative conditions etc.


  • Relieves cracking of the Knee joints
  • Relives pain in arthritis of Knee Joints
  • Helps in degenerative conditions of the Knee joint.

NETRA VASTI (Medicated oil treatment for eyes)

The process of keeping unctuous substances (Medicated ghee or oil) in the eyes for a certain period of time is called Netra Vasti (Akahi tarpanam). The procedure is same as that of the Kadee vasti.


  • Improves eyesight
  • Beneficial in cases of eye diseases like drooping of eyelids (ptosis), night blindness, cataract, blurred vision, stiffness and roughness of eyes, injury to eyes, sub conjunctival hemorrhage, inflammatory lesions of the eyes, glaucoma, corneal ulcers, pain in the eyes and decreased secretion of lachrymal fluid.
  • Nourishes tired, dry, rough and injured eyes
  • Strengthens the nerves and muscles of the eyes

PIZHICHIL (Medicated oil bath)

Pouring lukewarm medicated oil, over the body in a rhythmic manner, for a certain time is called Pizhichil (oil bath). For this various medicated oils like Bala aswagandhadi oil, Dhanwantaram oil, Mahanarayan oil, etc are used and the choice of the oil depends upon the condition of the patient after consultation.


  • Relieves body pain and muscle spasms
  • Rejuvenates the body
  • Helps preserve and promote optimum health
  • Helps in the healing of fractured bones
  • Increases immunity and prolongs life span
  • Promotes development of muscles
  • Improves skin complexion
  • Balances the Tridosha resulting in overall health.
  • Most beneficial therapy for treating neuro muscular diseases

UDHWARTHANAM (Herbal powder massage)

The same medicated powders used for Podi Kizhi is used for this type of massage also. There are two ways of doing this type of Massage. In the first method medicated powder is made into paste with water and is applied over the body and is allowed to dry. When the water content is evaporated and becomes dry it is rubbed all over the body.
In the second method the powder is first fried for a few minutes in a pan to remove any moisture that may present in it. After that the powder is used to rub all over the body. It is similar to other types of massages, except in the direction of massage. Here medicated powder is rubbed whole over the body from bottom to top. That is moving from the feet to the neck. The powder is massaged in a circular manner starting from the foot.


  • Reduces excess fat
  • Promotes healthy skin and vibrant complexion
  • Prevents and reduces wrinkles.
  • Cures dryness of the skin
  • Cures diseases caused by the accumulation of metabolic waste due to improper
    functioning of sweat glands
  • Reduces excess sweating, discoloration of the skin
  • Removes foul smell from the body
  • Promotes healthy skin.
  • Gives stability and lightness for the body.

PODIKIZHI (Bolus Bag Massage with Herbal Powders)

Here powers made from the roots various herbs are used for the massage. Powdered roots of Alpinia galanga, Ricinus communis (Castor), Nardoatachys jatamansi (Spikenard), Sausserea lappa, Santalum album (sandalwood), Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha), Zingiber officinale (dry ginger), Accorus calamus (Sweet flag), Cedrus deodara (Devdar) Valeriana walhichi (Indian Valerian), Anethum sowa (Dill), Mustard seeds, etc are used for this purpose. Some or all of these medicines are taken and powdered and fried with a little of Rock salt, crated coconut and lemon juice. Then it is tied to a bolus bag and is used to massage on the body.


  • Effective in curing arthritis, paralysis, body pain, numbness and degenerative and neuro-muscular diseases.
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